Private Medical Practice

Western and Chinese Medicine Ingolstadt

I am Dr. Alexandra Dikdur, a practitioner of both Western and Chinese medicine. I am glad to see you have already taken steps to seek solutions to regain balance in your health. My goal is to provide you with the best support possible.

My collected medical knowledge comes from over 20 years of experience. Unlimited attention, empathy towards your entire being as a human being and full use of my heart’s energy.

When knowledge and composure complement each other, harmony and order arise

Zhuangzi (370 v. Chr. – 287 v. Chr.)

Our Wellness Approach

The human organism is a remarkable entity that never fails to impress and surprise me with its incredibly robust self-healing abilities and rapid, patterned responses that can entirely engage our cognitive system.

Rest assured, our body is our best friend! It never works AGAINST us, but always FOR us! Be open, be genuinely willing to change, and most importantly, be ready to reclaim responsibility for your own health.

Let us work together to restore balance to your body, mind and spirit!

Treatments Offered

Indications List

Feel free to contact us personally to find out whether we have already had experience with your pattern of disorder and whether it makes sense for you to come to us.

In Chinese medicine, a disease is an external sign of an internal imbalance. There are virtually no limitations in the effort to restore balance in the body. In Western medicine, each disease is given a name, a diagnosis, and often a prognosis.

In Chinese medicine, patterns of disorder are described; these provide clues as to what has changed and in which organ system the symptom is located.

Here you will find an overview of the complaints for which Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with Acupuncture, Nutritional Medicine, and Pharmacotherapy can be very effectively used.

Conditions Treated

Sleep disorders
Gastrointestinal complaints
Knee pain
Muscle pain
Menstrual disorders
Back pain
Joint inflammation
Neurological disorders
Exhaustion syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chronic diarrhea
Eye problems
Atopic dermatitis
Skin diseases
Support during chemotherapy
At the Heart of Ingolstadt

Empowering every journey of your life


Heath care made extraordinary

Sabrina N.
Google Reviews
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Ich kann die Praxis nur weiterempfehlen! Wartezeiten sehr kurz bis gar nicht. Fr Dr. Dikdur, ihr Kollege und das ganze Team sind super nett. Es gibt immer ein ausführliches Vorgespräch wo sich so richtig Zeit genommen wird für den Patienten.
"Taoist" Dao
Google Reviews
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Diese Praxis mit seinen Menschen darin ist prädestiniert zu heilen ❤️‍🩹 Nicht nur die punktgenaue Anamnese und das medizinische Können hat mich geheilt, sondern auch die Atmosphäre, die freundliche und entschleuningende Art wie ich betreut und behandelt wurde. Ein wundervoller Ort und wundervolle Menschen. Vielen Dank 🙏
Angela M.
Google Reviews
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Eine sehr gute TCM Praxis, die ich allzeit weiterempfehlen würde. Man fühlt sich jederzeit wohl, wird von einem kompetenten Team betreut, und nach einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz von Frau Dr. Dikdur und Hr. Lou behandelt. Sie nehmen sich immer Zeit und helfen schrittweise & nachweislich das gesundheitliche Gleichgewicht wieder zu finden.

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